Principal’s Message

Dear Parents, Students, and Community Members,  

Welcome to Frederick Douglass Elementary School – Home of the Lions! We are thrilled to have you as partners in our students’ education. Frederick Douglass Elementary School is committed to providing a high-quality, well-rounded education that prepares students for success in the future. We believe that strong partnerships between home, school, and community are essential for the academic and social growth of our young scholars.  

As you explore our school website you will find important information about our school, including our mission and vision, academic programs and upcoming events. We strive for our students to have a passion for learning and a focus on success. Our students are instilled with lifelong values, the importance of working hard and reaching their goals. The Frederick Douglass Elementary School Faculty and Staff look forward to collaborating with you in providing your child with an exceptional educational experience. 

Our 2024 – 2025 School-Wide theme is: Ivy League! Join us this year as we continue the path in working together to support the success of all our young scholars.  


Ms. Veronica Bello